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Rails Modeling Guide#2: Naming Convention for Ruby on Rails Model Methods

Naming conventions play an important role to the software’s overall architecture. It is not a rocket science, still, it may lead to unhappy consequences if not taken care of at the early stage of a project. This small best practices can make a code base significantly improved.

Rails does a good job by using the dynamic power of ruby and providing with a handful of dynamic methods with the models. ActiveRecord::Base and its included modules follow a consistent naming, which clearly represent the intended purpose of the methods. At Code71, we are working on ScrumPad, a 2nd generation agile scrum tool using ruby on rails and our model methods are named according to the following rules-

1. All boolean returning methods end with ‘?’

company.billable?, sprint.current?, story.in_progress?

2. Boolean methods do not start with is_ or has_ or did_ (as you might see in other popular languages)

company.is_billable? -> company.billable?
sprint.is_current? -> sprint.current?

3. find_ and find_all are used only for class (self.find or self.find_all) methods and should return a single/array of object of the class respectively.

find_* methods may return a single object of the class/nil

find_all_* methods return an array of objects of the class or [], but never a nil

4. No methods start with a get_ as other languages.

5. A method ends with ! if it alters the object itself.


6. Methods that persists an object/may throw exception, should always end with ! (implied from rule 5)


7. Always use parentheses ‘()’ in method names. Future versions of ruby is deprecating the support for method names without parentheses.

Following these 7 simple rules we have consistent and intuitive model method names across the whole ScrumPad. Let me know if you have any suggestion to these names to make it even better.


@Ashif, thanks!
Ashif Manjur
Thanks for these great tips. Sometimes only following the naming convention can save us a lot of time and effort to understand codes written by others. Keep posting such tips and tricks of beautiful coding.